Susumu's Environmental Policy

Susumu recognizes the importance of protecting the earth's environment. Using its core technology, earth-friendly thin film technology, Susumu protects the environment by developing, manufacturing, marketing and supplying precise, long life and miniature components to our customers and end users.
We conduct business activities that contribute to the protection of the earth's environment by improving product quality and the efficient use of energy and natural resources at every stage of our business activities.

  1. (1)We will continue to actively involve ourselves in developing, manufacturing and marketing environmentally friendly products that have less impact to the environment and biodiversity conservation by taking advantage of thin film technology.
  2. (2)We make every effort to save energy and natural resources, to improve the working environment by adopting efficient management at all the development, manufacturing and marketing stages.
  3. (3)We conduct business activities that strive to save energy and natural resources, recycle materials, eliminate materials that are hazardous to the environment, and control materials that are regulated by environmental rules.
  4. (4)We diligently adhere to all environmental laws, regulations and rules. We regularly re-access our environmental management system and continuously improve the system.
  5. (5)In order to achieve our environmental policy, we set environmental objectives and targets, and execute them and periodically review them.
  6. (6)Susumu's environmental policy is communicated to all the employees of the organization and we will make certain that it is understood. The environmental policy is published and is publicly available.


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requesting documents and samples.